Our fellow fire and other safety officials join in the game, too. Then, finally, please feel free to post events for cops. Police need good breaks, vacations and relaxing time off duty. So keep us posted! ...
"Wartsch ab wie des in a poar Joahr abgeht - wenns nix waren ! Des hast sie WATEN schon aber net richtig, Zeit und Personalmangel." 300 Autos, von Rumänien nach Valenton in Frankreich - in ersten Medienberichten war kurz was von ...
They are worshiped as Gods: Nightcrawler, who later became a priest, doesn't seem to mind spending a vacation enjoying this fact. He has to defeat another living island first, though. Captain America's nemesis Baron Zemo escaped to the Andes .... When a group of people who have preserved pre-war tech begin attempting to bring the country back together, the cargo cultists are the most technologically advanced of the mini societies that formed when the war destroyed the ...